Acronyms definitions and abbreviations for internet slang language.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

FORD definition, meaning, abbreviation

What does FORD mean?

This page is probably the best place where you will find the meaning of FORD, which is an acronym / abbreviation or slang word.

Are you trying to find out what FORD means? You are in the right place, the explication of FORD is right here, and you will learn it's meaning in internet slang and what this acronym stands for.

What is FORD acronym / abbreviation, slang word?

FORD is "Found On Road Dead", and it is widely used in internet slang writing.

FORD Definition / FORD Means

The definition of FORD is "Found On Road Dead", and is used by internet users to abbreviate this expression.

The Meaning of FORD

FORD means "Found On Road Dead"

Other Meanings of FORD

FORD can also mean "Fast Only Rolling Downhill"
FORD can also mean "Fix Or Repair Daily"
FORD can also mean "Fatally Obese Redneck Driver"
FORD can also mean "Found Outside Rotting Dump"
FORD can also mean "Forgot Our Recommended Defaults"
FORD can also mean "Fork Over Repair Dough"
FORD can also mean "Funky Old Rebuilt Dodge"

Now you know the meaning of FORD, it is an abbreviation for "Found On Road Dead", and now that you know it's meaning you can start using it right away.

The acronym FORD is explained above, it is a abbreviation/ slang word that you just learn it's meaning/definition in the internet language.

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