Acronyms definitions and abbreviations for internet slang language.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

LRT abbreviation, meaning, slang

LRT is an abbreviation/acronym that is mainly used in internet slang language. If you came across LRT on the internet and you don't know it's meaning, you found the best page. LRT is an acronym with multiple meanings, that change in relationship with the sentence it's used in. For most common definitions look at the list below.
Category LRT Acronym Meaning
Internet Slang Last ReTweet
Medical Lower Respiratory Tract
Likelihood Ratio Test
Linear Response Theory
Lateral reticular nucleus
Technology/Science Light Rail Transit
London Regional Transport
Long-range Transport
Logistics Response Time
Other Meanings Longue Répétition Terminale
Loving Relationships Training
Liver Transplantation
Long Range Tactical
Now you what LRT stands for, it is an abbreviation for "Last ReTweet", mainly used in internet slang language.

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