KIX is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Not Defined and it's a widely used abbreviation by the young generation in chat rooms, SMS and social networks like facebook and twitter.
KOK Acronym / SlangCategoryKOK Acronym MeaningInternet SlangKnockKOK is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Knock and it's a widely used …Read More
KOS Acronym / SlangCategoryKOS Acronym MeaningInternet SlangKid Over ShoulderKOS is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Kid Over Shoulder…Read More
KPI Acronym / SlangCategoryKPI Acronym MeaningInternet SlangKey Performance IndicatorKPI is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Key Perfo…Read More
KOTS Acronym / SlangCategoryKOTS Acronym MeaningInternet SlangKeep On Talking S**TKOTS is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Keep On Talk…Read More
KTB Acronym / SlangCategoryKTB Acronym MeaningInternet SlangOk, Thanks, ByeKTB is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Ok, Thanks, Bye and…Read More
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