RHI is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Rumour Has It and it's a widely used abbreviation by the young generation in chat rooms, SMS and social networks like facebook and twitter.
AAR Acronym / SlangCategoryAAR Acronym MeaningInternet SlangAt Any RateAAR is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is At Any Rate and it's a …Read More
ABFT Acronym / SlangCategoryABFT Acronym MeaningInternet SlangAbout F**King TimeABFT is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is About F**King …Read More
AAP Acronym / SlangCategoryAAP Acronym MeaningInternet SlangAlways A PleasureAAP is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Always A Pleasure…Read More
AB Acronym / SlangCategoryAB Acronym MeaningInternet SlangAss BackwardsAB is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Ass Backwards and it's …Read More
A7X Acronym / SlangCategoryA7X Acronym MeaningInternet SlangAvenged SevenfoldA7X is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Avenged Sevenfold…Read More
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