ILHSM is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is I Love Him/Her So Much and it's a widely used abbreviation by the young generation in chat rooms, SMS and social networks like facebook and twitter.
IBFY Acronym / SlangCategoryIBFY Acronym MeaningInternet SlangIn Business For YourselfIBFY is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is In Busin…Read More
ICBIJST Acronym / SlangCategoryICBIJST Acronym MeaningInternet SlangI Can't Believe I Just Saw ThatICBIJST is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meanin…Read More
ICBA Acronym / SlangCategoryICBA Acronym MeaningInternet SlangI Can't Be AskedICBA is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is I Can't Be Asked…Read More
ICE Acronym / SlangCategoryICE Acronym MeaningInternet SlangIn Case Of EmergencyICE is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is In Case Of Eme…Read More
IBTC Acronym / SlangCategoryIBTC Acronym MeaningInternet SlangItty Bitty Titty CommitteeIBTC is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Itty B…Read More
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