PTTF is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Peace To The Family and it's a widely used abbreviation by the young generation in chat rooms, SMS and social networks like facebook and twitter.
POW Acronym / SlangCategoryPOW Acronym MeaningInternet SlangProblem Older WomanPOW is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Problem Older W…Read More
PPV Acronym / SlangCategoryPPV Acronym MeaningInternet SlangPay-Per-ViewPPV is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Pay-Per-View and it's …Read More
PRL Acronym / SlangCategoryPRL Acronym MeaningInternet SlangParents Are ListeningPRL is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Parents Are L…Read More
POV Acronym / SlangCategoryPOV Acronym MeaningInternet SlangPoint Of ViewPOV is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Point Of View and it'…Read More
PPDA Acronym / SlangCategoryPPDA Acronym MeaningInternet SlangParents Pacing De AreaPPDA is an acronym primary used in internet slang language, it's meaning is Parents Pa…Read More
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